The divers we’re having trouble locating the missing sailor when a dolphin suddenly arrived and led them to him

The nighttime hunt for a missing sailor prompted a group of divers to enter the ocean. There was really nothing they could tell apart in the murky seawater. The decision to call it quits was made.

Divers were filming the whole affair when suddenly a dolphin surfaced from the depths, drew everyone’s attention, and led the way.

Initially, divers were unable to determine the cause of the incident. It wasn’t until 20 minutes after the dive that Dennis Ruskin, the team’s leader, saw a dolphin had followed them up.

The dolphin remained within 10 feet of Ruskin for another 10 minutes before he saw him.

The dolphin’s behavior became more out of the ordinary after that. Initially, he went in one way, but he eventually swam back to Dennis and set sail once again.

The diver chose to go along with the guide, and from that point on, he had no more questions regarding the dolphin’s consciousness.

With his lantern shining ahead of him, the scuba diver continued to sink further and deeper into the water. The murkiness of the water made it almost impossible to see anything.

On the verge of turning around, Dennis saw the words «Seasar» carved into the wood paneling. On this boat, a disoriented fisherman set sail.Dennis, shocked, swam to the wheelhouse.

When his boat sank and flipped over, an air bubble developed in the steering compartment; the fisherman was trapped and could not escape, but he had plenty of air.

Twenty minutes later, Ruskin had assembled his squad and brought the sailor to safety on the surface. Once the dolphin apparently recognized his mission was over, he set sail.

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