To have the dog give birth in their own home, the family travels 12 hours
A lucky star witnessed the arrival of a stray puppy that needed a good home. The next Texas winter would have prevented the dog from nursing any more
Ronnie is just seven years old, however he has already saved almost 1,000 dogs
This youngster is a great hero who, despite his early age, has already proved that he has a tremendous heart. He had always been fond of animals, and
A stunning puppy that has disrupted countless group photos has gone viral
Yonko, a Chinese lady, owns these stunning pooches. The two dogs she has are the joys of my life, and she often posts pictures of them online. The
Despite being informed she was «too old» for a dog, Grandma nevertheless got the cutest present ever from her grandson
76 years old is how old Alina’s grandma is, and her grandpa is even older. They’ve always had a dog, and it’s been a big part of their
Somehow, a stray cat manages to become fascinated with a dog and continues coming back to see the canine
Animals are seen as more than simply pets by many people. The arrival of a dog transformed one family forever. The couple’s life flipped upside down once they
They took up a stray dog when it showed up at the auto lot and named it «companion»
They’ve taken in a stray dog at the auto dealership where they work. On occasion, he would leave the showroom to attend to his business, but he always
After being separated for eight years, a dog instinctively returns to his master
The trouble began when the guy went inside and abandoned his two dogs in the yard. After a sleepless night of searching, the guy learnt from his neighbors
Having another child means giving up the family’s pit bull of many years
Discarded animals suffer from extreme degrees of stress. The world they were used to vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, and they were thrust into a foreign
The shelter dog was all suited up and ready to go, but his new owners never showed up to claim him
Every pup dreams of spending their whole lives in a happy family. Consequently, when the happy occasion came, the dog was decked up in a tuxedo to fit
A dog with artistic talent may earn a good living by selling his work online
Dog’s owner placed a clean in his teeth and taught him to outline around four years ago. She says the dog has always been an inquisitive pet. He