A man decides to adopt a terminally ill dog so that the animal can live out its days in comfort

A particular man took in the dog with brain tumors. He wished for the dog to be loved and accepted for the rest of his life. Mario yearned for his own pet.

The shelter was also caring for a dog with a terminal brain tumor that had been rejected for adoption by many families, he was told.

The young guy felt terrible about the dog, so he made up his mind to give Thor, the dog’s name, the highest quality of life possible for the weeks he had left on Earth.

Thor was visiting another family at the time of his medical evaluation. His family was unable to take care of him, so they had to give him to a shelter.

A big number of adoptive families have taken him in at the moment.

After that he was returned to the shelter, and that’s when he first met Mario. The young guy took the dog to many veterinarians as his first aid measure.

Despite this, he was told that Thor had run out of treatment options.

Mario decided to make the most of the doctors’ allotted time by taking care of his health on a daily basis for the next forty days.

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