The dog always seems like it’s going to sneeze in the pictures her mother snaps

Things seldom go according to plan for Imogene’s mother when she tries to photograph her dog’s wide-eyed smile.
Who knows what will happen to Igone when her mother reveals her camera to the world?

Vaughan described his picture assignments as «just enjoyable.»

Igone will let her mother dress her up, but she isn’t interested in posing for pictures while she’s doing so. She’ll often roam around so much that her mother has to video her nevertheless.

Vaughan explained that the best approach to capture the perfect picture is to film in slow motion and then truly look at the outline by outline.

Igone, on the other hand, gives it her all regardless of if her postures seem like she’s about to wheeze:

Aside from the fact that she probably won’t have the perfect picture, she said, «It’s sure to make one chuckle.»

He only wants to share some of Imogene’s joy with the world, a small piece of the admiration she receives from him every day.

In addition, she is aware that towards the end of the day, Igone is just as magnificent as her.

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