Over the course of 19 miles, the runner carried the stray dog

She enjoys long runs against the clock, but she also understands that there are more important things in life.

Involved in the incident was Klongsanun—a 26-mile runner.

The runner came upon an unattended puppy after covering more than 12 kilometers on foot. There was no sign of his mother or siblings.

Klongsanun snatched the baby and ran away. To the crowd or to a small car following the runners, she may hand up the dog.

He didn’t go with her. See how fast they’re going. When they reached the finish line, the woman refused to leave the baby behind.

Adopting the dog was her choice.

A veterinarian was the first place she took him. The new pals took to the baby right away.

Klongsanun went back to the puppy’s hiding place after the race to be sure. Hopefully, she’d find more puppies there. It was deserted.

Nom Chom grew up in a large, close-knit group of people.It’s difficult to say how long Klongsanun spent running beside him. Decide what matters and what doesn’t in your life.

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