At the age of four, Qian was involved in a car accident. The girl woke up without her legs.
Since Qian’s parents were struggling, they could not afford to provide him with prosthetic limbs, much alone pay for his expensive rehabilitation.
Since he was at a loss for what else to do, Qian’s grandpa hacked the basketball so that his granddaughter could fit her legs inside. Using just standard doorknobs, Qian was able to move across the room.
Gifts were made in the young lady’s honor. Moreover, Qian was able to go to Beijing to try out her first prosthesis.
Gifts also allowed Qian to complete her elementary education.
Improvements in academic performance necessitated the allocation of more resources. Her parents were simple farmers, thus the Qian family lacked them.
This brought Qian back home, but instead of giving up, she vowed to make the most of any opportunity that came her way.
The child learned about a recently established initiative in her community that teaches people with disabilities how to swim.
The girl has no intention of complaining or becoming a burden to her parents. After all, no matter how much she was denied by fate, just living is a great deal in and of itself.
In 2014, Qian triumphed in the 100-meter butterfly at the Yunnan Paralympics.