Newborn smiled broadly at her father upon hearing his voice, proving she was instantly familiar with the environment
Throughout the whole pregnancy, Dad kept in constant contact. She had him pegged from the moment he was born. Every parent looks forward to that first precious moment
See how this twin child is younger than his elder sibling despite being the earlier arrival
Just think what a fun puzzle it would be if… There were two little boys born to the couple. What’s more, we now know that the firstborn is
“Better late than never”: Indian guy became parent at 94 and went into the book of records. Originally from India, Ramjit Raghav is a true hero
His whole life has been spent cultivating the land as a farmer. Not much money came in for Ramjit. The manly power he had, though, made him renowned
The hospital adoption agency contacted the couple two weeks later to let them know they had triplets to adopt
The couple wanted a child very much. The couple ultimately decided to adopt in order to have a family. Sarah and Andy couldn’t afford surrogacy or IVF. They
This mom gave birth when she was 60 years old; her daughter is now seven years old
In 2015, this news report shocked the country. Winter had her first child when she was 60 years old. She had her first serious relationship at a young