One source said that the Queen «was too unwell to walk her corgis and may never do so again»

The monarch, who is 96 years old, would not have been able to take them for a walk in the last half year and may never have that opportunity again.

After the death of Prince Philip in April, she found solace in taking long walks with her many corgis.

She reportedly spent the night in the facility in October of last year for preliminary tests and has been barred from retrieving them since.

It was her first brief hospital stay in quite some time, and the experience sparked a wave of anxiety about her health that led her to reduce the number of times she spoke in public.

The palace said that the queen was experiencing «moderate cold-like side effects» after she tested positive for Covid on February 20.

Recently, she had been putting in what felt like standard work hours in her approach, and that’s when she became sick.

This past Tuesday, the Palace said that the Queen had tested positive for Covid and was experiencing «minor cold-like side effects.»

She had returned to what had previously been a normal weekday for methodology when she became unwell.

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