Three kind individuals were honoured by Pope Francis on his special day.
He celebrated his birthday by thanking the three persons who had been most kind to him over the years: a priest, a businessman, and a homeless guy.
Most people are interested in the award for those without suitable housing.Can got Mother Teresa’s Request for helping the destitute by giving whatever he earned to people who were also without a home.
Many other deserving individuals who have helped offer clean water and educational opportunities to underprivileged populations in developing countries have also been awarded the medal.
The Pope presented each awardee with a miniature globe encased in a frame depicting a saint holding the hand of a child.
A group of seminary students created a cake and gave it to Pope Francis at a different event. The Pope was not scheduled to participate in any other special events.
It was on December 17th, 1936 that he entered the world. In 2023, it will have been 10 years since he was selected as the head of all Catholic Christians.
Do you think that this is a perfect example of a moment that will never be forgotten? What do you really think? Let us know what you think by commenting below.