In 2021, the pair spent almost $25,000 on a vehicle. While traveling, the couple made the decision to live in a van. While traveling across New Zealand, the two of them slept in a van.
As a result, they bought a van and made Toronto their permanent home, in part due to the city’s exorbitant property prices.
A web design firm is owned by Jack.Maggie is employed by this firm. The couple may choose their own work schedules.
Their company is unaffected since they operate out of a mobile home.
Since they were both born in Canada and Australia, Maggie and Jack often went back and forth between the two nations.
It’s been a while since the two of them had anything in the way of personal stuff. They are determined to aid animal shelters, despite their meager means.
For the time being, they’ve chosen to put the dogs up for adoption until they’re old enough to find a forever home of their own.
Rather of allowing the dogs to become bored indoors, they make an effort to spend as much time as possible playing and walking them. I’m in love with this idea.