An orangutan who is 17 years old made a costume out of an old bag and startled guests and zoo personnel

Orangutans are known for their inventiveness, and this female orangutan was no exception. Not a single member of her family had ever contemplated it.

Guests were taken aback when Gambit arrived in front of them dressed in a comfortable striped t-shirt and jeans.

To better understand how the orangutans would utilize the bags, zoo officials explained to the guests afterwards.

Experts were unimpressed at first with the orangutans’ behaviors, which they saw as typical human behavior: they used the resources they were provided to enhance their lives.

The monkey-watching workers were quick to see that Gambit had managed to get her paws inside the holes dug by the carers.

To fit her head in, the monkey dug a bigger hole.

She took a stroll in a new outfit after her hard work was rewarded with success, drawing plaudits from the audience.

ZOO officials jokingly said they would give Gambit another bag so she could complete her ensemble with a cap and an additional bag. They laughed.

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