A woman opens a package she discovered on the sidewalk and is astonished by what she discovers inside

A woman discovered a plastic bag by the side of the road and knew straight away that something wasn’t right.

She investigated further and found a sealed container containing five little puppies.

She didn’t waste any time getting in touch with the rescue organisation, and they did their best to have the pups cared for as soon as possible.

In spite of the caller’s vague description, it was obvious that the puppies had been out in the rain for quite some time.To quote one author:

«The puppies were safe nestled on a brown cloth in the box, but it was evident that they were in danger.»

Everyone is relieved that the five puppies were found alive and are doing well at the Rescue centre.

Wheler added, «We’d want to thank the individual who spotted the puppies for taking measures so sooner to bring them to safety — and even purchasing them milk.

The five animals are currently in a secure place and will continue to get the medical attention they need until they are adopted.

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