A street musician serenades a dozing stray cat with a lullaby tune

It’s not that stray cats desire attention; they simply need a place to relax. This is wonderful news after months of searching and no results.

The cat approached the man as he was playing an instrument and came straight up to him.

The cat chose the man’s suitcase because it included his Cura, a Turkish stringed instrument, to rest his tired eyes on.

In order to proceed, he silently pulled out his phone and dialed the snow-capped summit.

There are «road felines out of control» in Istanbul, according to Alp. We don’t refer to them as «strays» since they are fed and cared for by others. We’ve taken a step back and let them be.»

Snow-capped Mountain said he hadn’t seen either the performance or the cat before, but he was happy to encounter them by coincidence.

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