As soon as Zucca, the dog’s owner, brought her in, she discovered that she and the other creatures in the house spoke the same language.
An ancient cat by the name of Staut held a special place in her heart.
Zucca was devastated when the cat unexpectedly died.
In the shelter, Zucca spent a lot of time with the woman, and one day when a little cat was brought in, Zucca displayed intense mother love for him.
The small cat was Zucca’s first ‘baby.’ Zucca had a baby. As a result, she immediately became a foster mother for all the lonely cats that came into the shelter.
From the beginning, I was really worried about what was going on.
With her pit bull mix, Zucca could surely behave differently among cats without requiring to ‘according to the owner, ‘Zucca on the other hand was extraordinarily calm and careful with the kittens.»
It seems like she’s a huge warm toy to them, since she allows them in so much.
Zucca, according to the owner, seems to know just what each of them needs. In the previous several years, Zucca has taken care of well over a hundred of these kittens.