It’s precisely in this sense that chimpanzees are enjoyable to watch. Care for Tigo and his sister Linda is being provided by the workers at the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
We’re happy to report that Tigo and Linda are both doing OK (TCS). At the very same moment, Linda and Tigo were saved.
Linda and Tigo were held hostage by a family in Sierra Leone for many years, during which time they were kept in a cage on the property.
Unfortunately, incidents like the one that recently happened often involve exotic animals.
However, the Tropical Conservation Society received two chimpanzees not long after their arrival from the Sierra Leone National Protected Areas Authority (TCS).
Chimpanzees who are unable to survive in the wild owing to different factors are housed here at the sanctuary.
A highly active chimpanzee, Linda enjoys building nests and swinging on the ropes in her habitat.
When it comes to the other side, Tigo is always ecstatic to fill their day with tales from all walks of life, but we are unable to comprehend a word they say since we do not know their language.
It would be great if there was a method for humans to communicate with animals in their original tongue so that we could understand more about their ways of life.
Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary has a Facebook page where you can learn more about these interesting primates.