The dog’s owner is making last preparations to see his sick pet. An exciting but heartbreaking journey was taken by a British man named Carlo Frescco and his 10-year-old Labradoodle named Montey.
For the past 18 months, Carlo has done everything in his power to save his sick dog. Montey’s owner never gave up hope after hearing the news that his pet had leukaemia.
Carlo played a crucial role in the dog’s speedy recovery from its sickness. Montey’s health has worsened dramatically, and the chemotherapy has stopped functioning, in recent weeks.
Carlo has planned one more excursion for the dog as a way to say goodbye to him. Montey enjoys exploring the countryside with his trainer, Carlo.
Both of them went on an exhaustive exploration of the South Wales Mountains, even climbing three of the ridge peaks.
Montey became too ill to go about on his own. The next day, Carlos and his pals packed up their dog and a garden wheelbarrow and headed out for a hike in the Brecon Beacons.
It’s obvious that this little youngster has made a big difference in many of people’s lives. By the time they parted ways with him, everyone felt like «life isn’t so horrible sometimes.
«Our tiny companions never judge, they continually ground you and calm you when things go wrong,» Montey, the owner, added. This explains why everyone loves their dog or cat so much.