Storks travel 14000 kilometers each year to see their wounded partner

How far are you willing to go to see your loved one?

There is a good chance a large number of you would go more than 14000 kilometers, given the current level of human advancement.

You just need to purchase an airline ticket and sit back and relax while watching a movie. To be with his wounded sweetheart, this male stork must travel hundreds of kilometers every year.

This stork’s devotion is beyond comprehension. This charming couple’s love story has affected people all across the globe, not just in Croatia.

In 1993, a nice caretaker at a school discovered an injured female stork beside a little pond. Malena had been shot by a hunter, and as a result of her injuries, she was unable to fly.

The kind steward came up with a plan for the female stork: each winter, he built her a cozy nest where she could stay until spring.

Then, in the spring, Malena was placed on the roof of the building in a massive nest, where she might finally find her soul mate.

She looks forward to seeing her sweetheart, Klepetan, every year in hopes that they might reunite and have more children. More than 62 children have been born to them so far, and it’s not over yet.

About 14,500 kilometers away from his disabled partner, Klepetan found his last resting place in South Africa, in Cape Town.

In other words, you’re looking at a voyage that will take you about ten days.This adorable couple’s love tale is full of originality and magic.

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