An American boy’s life is irrevocably altered when he delivers a Christmas present to a Filipina girl

Which would you rather trust in, destiny or miracles? The realists among us would argue that we are the architects of our own existence.

However, sometimes things occur that can scarcely be labeled anything but miracles or the will of destiny.

Tyrel Wolfe, an American, donated a Christmas present to a young Filipina named Joanne in 2000. After dating for 14 years, they finally tied the knot.

Tyrel gave the visitor a few toys, some other little items, and a portrait of himself. A portion of the proceeds were donated to charity.

Joanne felt tremendous gratitude for him. She tried writing him a note of thanks, but her letter was never received.

Even as she matured, the girl’s gratitude for her benefactor never wavered. She tracked out the guy using online networking sites. Joanne’s friend request on Facebook went unanswered for a while.

Tyrel, nevertheless, agreed to the request made by the female he did not know. People of all ages, but especially teenagers, started talking to one another.

Then, in the real world, they finally met. Joanne relates that at that that time, she felt a «flutter» in her chest.

It wasn’t long before Tyrel and Joanne became inseparable pals. The two soon recognized they were more than just friends and were really developing a genuine, deep connection with one another.

They tied the knot, joining their fates together.Being devout Christians, Tyrel and Joanne are certain that God set them up.

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