A pride of lions came at the restaurant just as a group of hungry visitors were ready to sit down

Because of its abundance of unique wildlife, notably the regal lion, South Africa has gained international renown. Rarely does a huge lion show up for a buffet party in the reserve, but lately one did.

A safari group intended to end their day of exploring the area with a buffet party complete with live music.

While the party was preparing a feast, everyone were taken aback when a lion showed up.Their celebration came to a swift end thanks to this big guest.

As the huge lion made its way toward the celebration table, enticed by the scent of food, the employees waited patiently in their vehicles outside.

The lion’s abrupt entrance shocked onlookers, but the animal itself looked unperturbed.

He was smelling and examining the table in great detail. In spite of this, he inspected the table and then departed without eating.

Amazing photo taken by our guide.

Everyone took a deep intake of relief as the lion disappeared, and the evening festivities could proceed as planned. I know, right?

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