A newlywed couple’s story of falling in love and losing 200 pounds together is an inspiration to others.It’s tough to hunker down and force oneself to to the gym

In times like these, it’s important to be surrounded by loved ones who can provide a helping hand. Value increases exponentially if they can provide both words and acts to the cause.

Two years ago, when Lexi was 26, she weighed 220 kg, and Danny was just 127 kg. The girl was too heavy for Danny to grasp. In only a few years, Lexi lost 135 pounds. How?

In a video posted in 2016, Lexi made a weight loss commitment to herself and her husband.

Neither of us needed a special diet or a personal trainer since we had each other’s support and motivation. We want to raise a family and spend the rest of our lives together.

A swift resolution was unexpected for Lexi.Together, my husband and I lost weight and connected over our shared experience. We underwent mental and physical metamorphosis.

Lexi continues by saying that her husband loved her unconditionally despite her size.

Within those ten years, he has never once changed the way he treats me. Everyone longs for a happy, loving existence surrounded by those they care about.

Perhaps hearing our story will encourage others who are facing similar challenges. Instagram is the venue of choice for Lexi’s egotism.

The rest of your life officially starts tomorrow. Are you going to talk about weight loss or really do something? Done. Unafraid.

It is okay for you to leave this country. Hold the reins of time. Playing a sport will prove your naysayers wrong. Dressed up, Danny weighs in at a hefty 87 kg. As for Lexi, she’d want to shed another three pounds. 80!

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