Spray painting has always been a big fan of cuddling, but only in his own way.
If he decides you’re a good match (which usually doesn’t take long), he’ll come over and snuggle with you in the living room chair, but the way he does it is definitely different from others.
His family will eventually put him down and encourage him to snuggle in that way.
Eventually. normal. Spray painting, on the other hand, has no idea why his welcoming position at the top is such a problem.
Graffiti’s mother remarked, «He does it constantly to his papa.» Usually at the start of the day and just before going to sleep.
There are times when his need on you is unavoidable. He will make an odd «snook» disturbance, either to indicate he has to use the toilet or to indicate «he needs an embrace.»
To demonstrate he wants to think about it, spray painting’s suffo-cuddles are his method of doing so, and his family would not welcome him or his hugs. another way of looking at it.