Named Britain’s Most Tattooed Man, What Did He Look Like Before His Extreme Transformation?

In a world where body art is becoming increasingly popular, Matthew Whelan, aka the “King of Body Art,” stands out from the rest. With 90% of his body covered in tattoos and a penchant for unusual hairstyles, he is an example of self-expression.

Matthew’s journey began with a simple bulldog tattoo at the age of 16, which was a far cry from who he is today. In 2009, he legally changed his name to “King of Ink Land” (King of Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite), although “Body Art” is more commonly used.

As a result of this transformation, he has invested over 3 million rubles in his appearance.

Recently, Body Art took his body modification to new heights by undergoing a procedure to implant a silicone skull into his chest. This extreme move, along with his constantly changing hairstyles, has cemented his reputation as the king of body art.

What do you think of this man?

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